Exploring the Philadelphia Jazz Scene at the Annual Jazz Festival

Explore Philadelphia's vibrant jazz culture at the annual Jazz Festival. Discover local jazz artists at Lancaster Avenue Jazz & Arts Festival and Sweet Juice Fest.

Exploring the Philadelphia Jazz Scene at the Annual Jazz Festival

The Philadelphia Jazz Festival is an annual event that celebrates the city's vibrant jazz culture. This year marks the 17th edition of the festival, which brings together legendary figures, innovative artists and newcomers from across the genre. The event pays homage to Philadelphia's jazz scene by showcasing some of the best jazz artists in the city. The Lancaster Avenue Jazz & Arts Festival is another great way to discover local jazz artists.

Thousands of people gather throughout the day to meet local vendors, enjoy street food stalls, participate in activities for children and listen to consecutive jazz performances. Despite the heat, the festival continues to be a success and a great way to explore Philadelphia's jazz scene. In recent years, participating artists at the festival have included Ensemble Novo, Shakera Jones, The Landham Brothers, Odean Pope and many more. As a local Philadelphia artist, Bryan shared his appreciation for the way the festival contributes to the community. The Sweet Juice Fest returns to Germantown with the goal of introducing queer and minority artists in Philadelphia.

Music, 24 bowling alleys and a bar with local crafts are also featured at the festival. Tickets for the Center City Jazz Festival are available at the box office or online at a reduced price.

Hilda Zier
Hilda Zier

Hipster-friendly coffee nerd. General beer fan. Certified twitter geek. Internet specialist. Amateur zombie guru.